Pregnant mother has sudden deafness-Should I take medicine?

The pregnant mother, as the family’s number one protection target, was really anxious and panicked when she became ill.However, the house leak happened to be rainy overnight, and sudden deafness actually appeared during pregnancy.

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Sudden deafness during pregnancy

Some foreign scholars found that during normal pregnancy, pure-tone hearing began to lose from 125 to 500 Hz during the first trimester, and gradually recovered in the middle and late stages. They believed that this was a physiological state.Domestic scholars have observed that the incidence of sudden deafness during pregnancy in China has increased year by year. It often occurs in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Hearing loss is heavy and often accompanied by tinnitus.

Why is pregnant mother deaf?

The cause of sudden deafness during pregnancy has not yet been fully clarified, and a series of physiological changes will occur in the body of pregnant mothers during pregnancy.It mainly includes the following theories:

1.Changes in blood circulation

① Blood volume during pregnancy will increase by 30% to 45% compared to before pregnancy;

② Factors Ⅱ, Ⅴ, Ⅶ, Ⅷ, Ⅸ, X increase;

③ Plasma fibrin content is increased by 40% -50% compared with non-pregnancy period;

④Red blood cell deformability decreased, plasma viscosity and red blood cell aggregation increased.

These factors make the blood in a hypercoagulable state, increase the risk of thrombosis in the inner ear, and cause occlusion of the cochlear supply arteries.

2.Increased estrogen and progesterone levels during pregnancy

In the second trimester, the estriol value is 1000 times that of non-pregnant women, and the estradiol and estrone values are 100 times that of non-pregnant women.Changes in estrogen and progesterone levels can cause changes in osmotic pressure inside and outside the cell. This change in fluid osmotic pressure results in sodium water retention that can cause low-frequency hearing loss similar to Meniere’s disease.


Mood swings, anxiety, and viral infections in pregnant mothers may all be the cause or cause of sudden deafness.

What should I do if my pregnant mother is deaf?

Although many countries in the world, including China, have developed guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of sudden deafness, these guidelines do not include patients with sudden deafness during pregnancy because of the relatively low incidence of sudden deafness during pregnancy. There are no clear diagnostic guidelines.

But it is important to remind pregnant mothers that when sudden hearing loss occurs, it is not advisable to abandon treatment because of concerns about the effects of the drug on the fetus.We have these suggestions:

①Develop a plan based on the degree of hearing loss: For low-to-medium frequency deafness with short onset time, it is preferred not to use drugs, and to follow-up observation, which has a high possibility of self-healing;

②Choose a plan based on the size of the pregnancy cycle: Special care should be taken in the first 3 months of pregnancy. When the fetus develops 3 months, the organ differentiation has been completed. Therefore, short-term oral hormones for pregnant mothers who are more than 3 months pregnant are relatively safe and will not cause deformity;

③ Pregnant mothers must use medicines under the guidance of doctors reasonably. If they can use the medicines alone, avoid using them together.For example, dexamethasone injection in the tympanum generally does not cause systemic side effects and has no effect on the fetus. It can be used as appropriate under the guidance of a doctor;

④ The doctor should fully weigh the advantages and disadvantages and use it with the patient’s informed consent;

⑤ During the treatment, the obstetrician assisted the monitoring of the fetus to alleviate the concerns of pregnant mothers and their families, and to enhance the confidence and compliance of the treatment.

The medical treatment of sudden deafness during pregnancy needs to consider the impact of the drug on the fetus, so it is very challenging. As a doctor, we must be cautious and innovative; as patients and family members, we must have a reasonable understanding of the disease and maintain Good mentality during pregnancy, actively cooperate with treatment.

Link:Pregnant mother has sudden deafness-Should I take medicine?

REF: Hearing Aids Supplier BTE Hearing AidsHearing Loss
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