What price point is the hearing aid?

Many people have heard this sentence when they go to the hearing aid store or the hearing center. “The hearing aid is not as expensive as possible.” It is the best for your needs. “How do you understand this sentence? This sentence is actually ambiguous. In theory, the more expensive the hearing aid, the higher the level, the stronger the function and effect. So from the price point of view, 2 million hearing aids of course Better than 1, 1 million hearing aids are certainly better than 5. So many people hear this sentence and sneer at it, everyone knows that it is better. But why do many authoritative audiologists say this? In fact, we do not understand the meaning of this sentence. Of course, in terms of price, the more expensive the better, the more expensive the function, but from the perspective of investing in health, we do not understand it. We all know that we are Healthy investment is one of the most important investments in life, as is hearing health.

Choose what price of hearing aid

You spend money to learn English, maybe for work, maybe for studying abroad, this is an investment. You spend money to travel, perhaps to see the world, perhaps to relax, this is also an investment. You spend money to improve your health, includingHearing healthIt may be for life or for survival, it is all investment. All of these investments have one thing in common. It is to spend money to do things that are good for them. It is probably rare to spend money to do things that are not good for you. Since it is all investment, it involves the problem of spending more money and spending less. One of the things involved here is the income. There is no income investment, it is a public good, there is almost no such thing as buying a hearing aid. I have not said that a hearing aid is nothing to buy a hearing aid hidden in the cabinet as a heirloom. There is a need for fitting hearing aids. People, in other words, are hearing impaired or hearing impaired families. When it comes to spending money, you have to weigh the benefits. Take travel, if you just want to go to the Great Wall to play a circle, how much will you spend? It depends on your needs, if you are traveling domestically, then find a public transportation, buy a ticket and go to one. The circle will do. If you are a foreigner, you may have to rent a bilingual tour guide. ”

This is related to needs, as well as hearing health. For example, a child and an elderly person wear hearing aids, and the level is generally very different. Children generally choose well, because children have to learn language, it is the flower of the motherland, and it also carries the hope of the family. However, the elderly feel that they are already in their late years. They can listen and say that they can make life accessible and not dementia.

However, the needs of the elderly are also different. Some old people, such as old professors and highly respected people, have good deeds because they have to contribute to society. In addition, some families are particularly filial, and their parents have worked hard for a lifetime. I can’t hear or hear the call of my grandchildren. In the last few decades of family ties, they feel that they are more expensive than tens of thousands of dollars, and they will choose a good hearing aid. I think so.

  Jinghao medical hearing aid reminder:Hearing aids need to be professionally “fitted”. It is very important to choose a professional hearing aid fitting center and hearing aid fittings! You can call the Jinghao medical for any hearing problems, or you can come to the center to experience the experience. . Hearing aid free consultation phone: +86-752-2299187

You can also email us: Jinghao14@jinghao.cc for more information you want to know.

Link:What price point is the hearing aid?

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