Top ten reasons for tinnitus

First, ototoxic drugs cause tinnitus drugs are divided into two categories, one type of drugs only cause tinnitus without causing hearing loss, such as: some anticancer drugs, anticonvulsants, antibacterials, narcotic analgesics, etc.; The drug causes both tinnitus and hearing loss, and even causes total paralysis. Such as anticancer drugs, aminoglycoside antibiotics and antiparasitic drugs.

Second, the noise we all have this common experience, if you suddenly hear a loud noise, there will be a long reverberation in the ear, which is the external noise temporarily damaged the human auditory nerve. Those who have worked long-term in very noisy environments, such as tractors and car drivers, traffic police, salutemen, staff of dance halls, long-term meetings, and operators of various equipment, are victims of noise, long-term Noise stimulation, most of the time caused damage to the inner ear nerves. In general, noise that exceeds the strength of the safety noise standard (85~90 decibel) may cause tinnitus and deafness. However, for noise of the same intensity, there is a difference in individual sensitivity, and only sensitive people are injured or injured to a greater extent.

Third, the outer ear and middle ear diseases such as sputum, foreign body, tumor or inflammation, block the external auditory canal, touch the tympanic membrane can cause tinnitus; middle ear vascular malformation and lesions may also cause tinnitus. Most of these tinnitus can be cured by otologists and treatments.

Fourth, the inner ear and auditory nerve center diseases are most common with sudden deafness (the disease should be treated in a timely manner within a week, delay in treatment, may cause irreversible hearing loss), Meniere’s disease (tinnitus symptoms may be dizzy , neglected by vomiting, etc., acoustic neuroma (mainly relying on surgical treatment), otosclerosis, etc.

Fifth, the age factor 60 years old people with tinnitus incidence rate as high as 30%. The main reason is the degeneration of the auditory nervous system with age.

6. Vascular malformation or blood flow factors Due to such blood vessels or blood, the blood flow to the intracranial or inner ear is irregular, or the vascular murmur generated by the abnormalities of the neck and cranial ventricles is transmitted to the ear, resulting in tinnitus. Common diseases are: vascular malformations, hypertension, arteriosclerosis, etc.

Seven, mental stress factors such tinnitus caused by mental stress, often accompanied by dizziness, insomnia, backache, fatigue and so on. In modern society, the incidence of tinnitus in white-collar workers and office workers is increasing, and the crux is here.

Eight, head trauma, which is the first to promote humeral trauma.

Nine, systemic diseases such as anemia, hypertension, diabetes, coronary heart disease, cervical spondylosis, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia, endocrine disorders, autoimmune diseases, vasospasm, etc., may be accompanied by tinnitus.

X. About 40% of the number of tinnitus is not clear. The tinnitus and tinnitus are not sick. It is annoying. Although tinnitus is still a difficult and difficult problem for otolaryngology, as long as the doctors and patients cooperate, prevent it. In addition, considerable results can still be obtained.

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