One of the concerns of patients with hearing loss, how long the life of hearing aids

For the hearing loss patients who buy hearing aids, after spending a lot of money to buy hearing aids, of course, I hope to use them for a long time. However, after using it for a period of time, various problems have arisen, and then it is often sent back to the manufacturer for repair. The time spent on it has not been repaired for a long time, and it will inevitably be a bit bad.

So how long does the hearing aid last? Let us first rule out the technical problem itself. There are many factors that are caused by improper use of hearing loss patients, such as excessive sputum, long-term humidity, dusty environment, careless maintenance of hearing aids, etc. Factors account for the total failure rate of the hearing aid70%. For hearing loss patients, wearing a hearing aid for more than one day8The hour is very normal, so this is essential for the maintenance of the hearing aid. After the nightly use, the battery compartment door of the hearing aid needs to be opened and the hearing aid is placed in the dry box, although it seems trivial, but it seems trivial, but Doing this every day is a good way to extend the life of your hearing aids. Secondly, you need to pay attention to the cleaning work in your ear canal, do not let too many ear mites lead to block the hearing aid receiver.

In addition, regular professional hearing aid maintenance work is carried out at the fitting center. Only then can the hearing aid work longer. When not in use for a long time, the hearing aid battery should be taken out and stored in a dry box. Put the hearing aid battery back on regularly to let it work for a while to avoid problems when using the hearing aid. Therefore, the daily care of hearing aids is the key to extending the life of hearing aids. The general service life of hearing aids is5To8Year, as long as you are good for maintenance10Year is also not a problem.

Hearing loss patient

Link:One of the concerns of patients with hearing loss, how long the life of hearing aids

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