How to accurately describe the symptoms of ear disease to your doctor?

When you have discomfort in your ears, such as ear pain, hearing loss, tinnitus, ear nausea, dizziness, and purulent discharge, you need to go to the hospital and preferably have a hospital with an ENT specialist. Doctors often make the most preliminary judgments based on the patient’s complaint (mainly uncomfortable symptoms and duration), so the symptoms of the disease you provide are important.

Patients should briefly and focusedly describe the symptoms of the ear when they visit the clinic, such as:

Main discomfort in the ear

Time of occurrence

What tests and corresponding treatments have been done before the treatment, and how effective it is.

Common ear symptoms include ear pain, hearing loss, tinnitus, purulent discharge from the external auditory canal, and dizziness.

When describing ear pain, tell the doctor whether there is a cold, flight and trauma history, the nature and duration of the pain, whether it is combined with ear pus and bloody secretions;

Whether the hearing loss is sudden or gradual, is it accompanied by tinnitus and dizziness, whether there is a family history of genetic disease, whether it is exposed to strong noise or noise, whether to use ototoxic drugs, blood sugar, blood pressure and blood lipids;

The duration, nature and tone of tinnitus, whether it is synchronized with the pulse rate, whether it is insomnia, whether there is a history of anxiety or depression;

The amount and shape of the secretions in the external auditory canal (such as purulent, bloody), whether there is odor, whether there is facial paralysis, fever, headache, whether it has stopped pus (dry ear) and whether it is accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

Whether vertigo is rotational, whether there is a history of cervical spondylosis, whether it is related to head changes, trauma, cardiovascular history, etc.

The time of the mass in the ear or ear around, the growth rate, whether there is bloody secretions and pain.

In addition, don’t forget to bring the original materials such as hearing, otoscope and CT to the original materials. The above is also what every otologist needs to know or master.

Things to note:

(1) Elected experts: Otorhinolaryngology in larger general hospitals is sub-disciplined, such as nasal, otology (ear and ear surgery), head and neck oncology, throat, plastic surgery (small ear malformation), etc. The patient can follow the expert’s profile to understand the aspects of his or her expertise and choose to visit the doctor.

(2) registration: The big hospital in Beijing has no expert number registered on the same day. It is necessary to make an advance call and make an online reservation (see the registration section for details).

(3) with information: patients who are referred to the hospital for referral or follow-up should bring the previously checked information, such as hearing, otoscope, and image data.


(5) follow-up visit: The result of the examination will be reviewed in time, and the doctor can negotiate with the doctor to make a next appointment plus.

I wish every patient a smooth visit and a quick recovery!

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Link:How to accurately describe the symptoms of ear disease to your doctor?

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