Important factors affecting hearing loss

According to the Jinghao hearing aid website, long-term drinking and smoking can degenerate hair cells, especially at the bottom of the cochlea. The results of the study indicate that when the iron deficiency in the body is reduced, the activity of iron enzymes in the inner ear is reduced, resulting in the reduction of spiral ganglion cells and hair cell damage, thus forming the occurrence of neurological deafness.

Although human aging and degeneration are unchangeable physiological processes, they develop good habits, do not smoke, drink alcohol, pay attention to diet, and eat iron-rich foods such as animal liver, lean meat, pig blood, soy products, Green vegetables, etc. Regular exercise can delay the time and speed of hearing loss.

According to the Jinghao hearing aid website, noise and frequent use of headphones are also important factors influencing hearing. Such as: wearing headphones to listen to music, broadcast, etc. Do not use more than 2 hours per day, long-term living in the case of noise, it will cause sudden deafness.

Elderly people with cardiovascular disease should pay attention to keeping blood pressure stable, regularly do physical health screening, maintain a good mentality, usually pay more attention to sleep and rest, maintain good work habits, and have a certain effect on protecting hearing function.

According to the Jinghao hearing aid website, when hearing loss occurs, you should use a hearing aid as soon as possible to benefit as early as possible. Don’t wait for hearing aids to think about the need for hearing aids. Wearing a hearing aid early can not only improve the listening experience, but also improve the quality of life, and long-term wear can effectively alleviate the speed and extent of hearing loss.


Link:Important factors affecting hearing loss

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