Rational treatment of hearing aids

The same level of hearing loss, the residual hearing can be used by people with high value of hearing aids. For example, the average hearing loss of 60dB (HL) is better for patients with conductive hearing loss than for patients with sensorineural hearing loss. Therefore, the quality of residual hearing is an important indicator for measuring the hearing aid effect. Residual hearing includes whether there is re-vibration and how the auditory resolution is. In fact, the impact of the hearing aid effect is the user’s own hearing resolution. Most patients have varying degrees of loss of auditory resolution. The loss is not much, and the hearing aid can compensate. If the loss is too serious (this is more common in the hearing center), the hearing aid can do nothing. After all, hearing aids cannot replace the role of the cerebral cortex.

Hearing aid effect

Hearing aids respond well to language sounds and do not respond well to nonverbal sounds. Therefore, in a one-on-one conversation, the role of the hearing aid is obvious, and in other cases it will be worse. For example, some fans or music fans hope to enjoy drama and music as before, even after wearing a hearing aid. This kind of wish may not be easy to achieve. Rhythm can be clearly perceived, but there is always a lack of “taste”; the sound of some high-frequency instruments is not good, and the past “words” are now “shifted”.

Different people have different responses to watching TV and listening to the radio, and about half of them think they are not satisfied. Because the sound signal emitted by the TV and the radio has been different from the original sound, this change is essentially a kind of “distortion”; and the sound signal amplified by the hearing aid will change again and “distort” again. Two “distortions” caused some users to “not hear clearly.” Of course, listening to programs like news broadcasts is not a big problem.

Traditional analog hearing aids are not smart enough to only amplify the signals that the user wishes to hear. Normally, they will zoom in on all the sounds collected without discrimination. For example, in the street, the hearing aid both amplifies the conversation and magnifies the background noise of the car. The farther you talk, the smaller the signal you want to hear and the greater the background noise. As far as a certain distance is concerned, the signal sound is very unclear due to the interference of background noise. It seems that in the noisy vegetable market, even if the normal hearing, I can’t hear the contents of the friends shouting in the distance. Therefore, the use of hearing aids has an “effective” distance. For traditional hearing aids, this distance is about 2 meters; directivity, partial digital programming, digital and other hearing aids can be a little farther, up to 5 meters.

When the conference is opened, the effect of wearing a hearing aid is difficult to guarantee. Because there are both “two distortions” and “distance”. If the meeting is sloppy, the effect will be even worse.

Seven or eight people together, you talk with me, it will also affect the effect of hearing aids. However, if you wear a hearing aid with your ears, the effect will be much better.

It is worth noting that the emergence of digital hearing aid technology has made us see hope. It is believed that in the future, with the help of digital hearing aids, the problem of background noise can be gradually solved.

In view of this, people who are ready to use hearing aids must have a correct expectation for hearing aids. Keep in mind that the role of hearing aids is only “hearing”, don’t expect to spend thousands of dollars to buy “normal ears”. Due to the different auditory conditions of each person, the performance of the hearing aids that are desired to be used is also different. For these problems, the hearing aid fitter can best explain to the user during the hearing aid fitting process.

Jinghao medical hearing aid reminder: hearing aids need to be professionally “fitted”, it is very important to choose a professional hearing aid fitting center and hearing aid fittings! All patients and friends have any hearing problems can call the Jinghao medical consultation, or personally Come to the fitting center experience. Hearing aid free consultation phone: +86-752-2299187

You can also email us: Jinghao14@jinghao.cc for more information you want to know.

Link:Rational treatment of hearing aids

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