The tinnitus caused by these 12 conditions can be prevented

Tinnitus, as the name suggests, has a sound in the ear, usually referring to the sound of the external sound stimulation, and often only the subjective tinnitus that you can hear.

This kind of tinnitus, which can only be endured by itself, but not perceived by others, is not a disease, but the negative effects of this symptom on patients are often large, such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, and even suicidal tendencies.

When it comes to the causes of tinnitus, many are unclear, that is, there is nothing wrong with the body, only tinnitus , which is often tricky.

However, some tinnitus is also traceable, such as certain diseases, and tinnitus usually relieves or disappears after treating the disease.

Today we will talk about the 12 common cases of tinnitus and the corresponding treatment methods (of course, the specific treatment plan must be treated and prescribed).


Noise Hearing Loss

Long-term exposure to noise is one of the most common causes of tinnitus.

Most people who work in noisy environments, those who like to listen to loud music for a long time, and those who go to the bar often have tinnitus, and the accumulation of noise for many years is mostly noise.



Hearing impairment (such as talking to people, retelling others, not hearing phone rings, etc.)


If it is an irreversible noise, you can choose a hearing aid or other hearing aid.

In fact, noise hearing loss can be prevented. The fundamental reason for prevention is to stay away from noise, especially high-intensity noise, such as listening to music with headphones and high-intensity sound during live concerts.

Senile Sputum

Senile sputum, also known as senile hearing loss, is age-related, irreversible hearing loss .Because the damage is caused by the deterioration of the inner ear sensory cells that occur as the age increases.


Talk to people and repeat

Tinnitus, and often can not hear high-pitched sounds (such as bird calls)

The sound when watching TV is bigger than that of ordinary people.


Hearing aids or other hearing aids.



Ear sclerosis is often a hearing loss caused by abnormal bone growth in the middle ear (hardening of the tibial floor bone).


Progressive hearing loss


Dizziness or dizziness


Drugs such as fluoride, calcium and vitamin D can slow the progression of the disease, but they do not achieve the therapeutic effect.Hearing aids or surgery can be used to treat hearing loss caused by conductive otosclerosis.



Otitis refers to infection or inflammation that occurs in the outer or middle ear of the ear .Sudden onset, short cycle is acute otitis, recurrent and long-term is chronic otitis.

Otitis media is caused by a middle ear infection and often occurs when a child has a cold and flu.



Tinnitus or squeaking in the ear

Insomnia and irritability

Headache accompanied by fever


Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as antibiotics, ear drops and ibuprofen


Meniere’s disease

Meniere’s disease is a chronic inner ear disorder.It usually occurs only on one side and is one of the common causes of hearing loss.


Severe dizziness, some people will lose balance or fall

Tinnitus (a roar in the ear)

Earache or ear swell

Repeated fluctuations in hearing loss


At present, there is no absolute cure for Meniere’s disease, and the drug is mainly for controlling vertigo.

If you take a diuretic to control the amount and pressure of the inner ear lymph, it is recommended to take more potassium-rich foods such as bananas, spinach and sweet potatoes.


Cervical hyperextension and extension injury

Whiplash neck injury caused by external acceleration, such as when the car crashed, neck and head lurch forward and then move backward, which can lead to over-stretch the neck muscles and ligaments, beyond the normal movement range.


Neck pain and stiffness

Dizziness, blurred vision and fatigue


Difficult to concentrate


Painkillers, muscle relaxants, hot and cold treatment


Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system (brain and spinal cord).

Since the body’s immune cells destroy the peripheral material (myelin sheath) that protects nerve cells, the transmission of information between the brain and the body is hindered.


One or more limbs paralyzed, weak

Limb tremor or lack of coordination

Unclear, dizzy, tired

Blurred vision, tingling or pain in some parts of the body

Tinnitus, but some people’s tinnitus disappears completely


There is currently no suitable treatment option, which can only relieve fatigue and slow the progression of the disease through drugs, muscle relaxants and physical therapy.


Acoustic neuroma

Acoustic neuroma, also known as vestibular schwannomas, is a benign tumor that grows on the eighth pair of cranial nerves.

As the tumor grows, it gradually oppresses the auditory nerve and balances the nerve, eventually compressing the brain to pose a threat to life.The situation in which the tumor is simultaneously grown on both sides of the auditory nerve due to a genetic disorder is called multiple neurofibromatosis.


Unilateral hearing loss (tumor growth side)


Dizziness and balance problems

Sometimes facial numbness


If the tumor is small, it needs to be checked regularly.Larger tumor compressions require surgery and radiation therapy.


Cervical vertigo

Dizziness due to neck disorders is called cervical vertigo.


Dizziness during neck movement

Earache and tinnitus (feeling snoring, squeaking or other sounds in the head or ear)

Visual impairment when shaking your head is the main symptom of cervical vertigo


Physical therapy methods include slow exercise, neck movements, and proper posture training, medications with muscle relaxants, and surgical treatment.



Meningitis is inflammation of thin tissues (meninges) that surround and cover the brain and spinal cord and can be caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.

More than 30% of bacterial meningitis can cause hearing loss, accompanied by tinnitus and balance problems.


High fever, headache

Sensitive to light

Neck stiffness and rash



Bacterial meningitis is treated with antibiotics; viral meningitis is recommended to rest in bed, drink plenty of water, usually healed within a few weeks; fungal meningitis is treated with anti-mold drugs.



Neurosyphilis is caused by infection of Treponema pallidum bacteria in the brain or myelin.It usually occurs in patients who have recurrent syphilis and cannot be cured.


Abnormal gait, the ability to lose walking

Dementia, depression, confusion, headache

Epilepsy, poor attention, stiff neck

Visual impairment or blindness

Tinnitus is the only symptom of neurosyphilitic otitis media


Penicillin (penicillin)


Drug-induced tinnitus

The main drugs that may cause tinnitus are as follows:

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and salicylates such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen.

Aminoglycoside antibiotics such as streptomycin, kanamycin, and gentamicin.

Chemotherapy drugs such as vinca alkaloids.

Ring diuretic bumetanide, furosemide, torsemide.

Antidepressants and benzodiazepines, such as amitriptyline, alprazolam, diazepam.

Anticonvulsant drugs such as carbamazepine and valproic acid.



Hearing impairment


Tinnitus caused by some drugs can gradually relieve or disappear after a period of withdrawal, but some are irreversible.


It can be seen that tinnitus is not a disease , but may be a symptom caused by various diseases .

For these diseases, most of the tinnitus will be relieved or disappeared after the disease is cured, so the tinnitus is found, the doctor is treated early, and the doctor is prescribed.

Link:The tinnitus caused by these 12 conditions can be prevented

REF: Hearing AidsITE hearing aidsHearing Loss
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